
My Plot--Pond View

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Taking Action on the Plot: Trash Removal

Typically, Sunday is not trash day, but on this beautifully warm Sunday I grabbed a pair of gardening gloves, two large plastic trash bags, bugspray, thick boots, and my laptop, and headed off to my plot for an afternoon of trash pickup. I expected to find some pop bottles and cans, and maybe a discarded cigarette pack or two but what I found was much more diverse than that. From the pool of standing water I pulled a tarpaulin, plastic shopping bag, and styrofoam takeout box. From the forest floor, I picked up a receipt, several Gatorade and soda bottles, a Ziploc bag, a golf ball, a brick, a cinder block, a Big Gulp cup complete with its green straw, and various other soil and moss-covered items. The oddest object I removed from the plot, however, was a medium-sized iron and plastic chair. How it ended up on the plot, I don't claim to know, but it was quite the hassle to yank it from its position in the ground and heave it over fallen branches, down a small hill, over a shallow water-filled ditch, and across the field to the dumpster in my garage. My plot looks very clean though, and that's all that matters. It's all nature now, no unnecessary additions of plastic garbage. Below are a couple of pictures from the rendezvous.
2 Full Trash Bags+1 Chair=A Lot of Heavy Trash!
The Trash-Free Clearing and Woods

1 comment:

  1. You might be the first one to ever find a chair on their trash patrol :)
